Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Shakespeare's Secret by Elise Broach

Based on the cover, I most likely wouldn't have read this book. However, an 8th grade student recommended the book to me. She was right. It was fantastic! It wasn't at all what I expected.

Hero and her family move to a new town. It's hard for Hero to fit in with her strange first name. Hero's dad is an expert on Shakespeare, and Hero and her sister were named after characters in one of Shakespeare's plays.

Hero soon meets her elderly next-door neighbor, Mrs. Roth. She establishes a friendship with Mrs. Roth and a guy from school, Danny, who also likes to spend time with Mrs. Roth. Mrs. Roth and Danny get Hero involved in a mystery that surrounds the house Hero's family moved into. Family secrets surface throughout the story.

One of the interesting threads in the story is who Shakespeare really was. Was he really the Shakespeare we know about, or was the author really someone else using a pen name? Several things from English history surface and are quite intriguing to ponder. Sure made me wonder!

Topics: secrets, friendship, mystery, English history, family conflict, starting at a new school

Genre: realistic fiction

Mrs. Beckwith's rating: 5 of 5

Amazon reviews

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