Thursday, February 12, 2009

Princess of the Midnight Ball by Jessica Day George

When I was young, I read a fairy tale about twelve princesses who would wear their slippers out every night even though they were locked in their rooms. A reward was offered for the prince who could discover what was happening. I also remembered something about a winding staircase down to a river that would take the princesses to a magical land under ground. As a parent, I rediscovered this fairy tale as I was reading a book of fairy tales to my son.

When I was in Barnes & Noble last week, I discovered a brand new book by Jessica Day George, Princess of the Midnight Ball. When I read the description, it sounded a lot like the fairy tale I had read to my son and as a youngster.

I just finished reading it a couple of days ago. It was great. Ms. George had an interesting backstory for why the events were happening. She fleshed the story that was a few pages long into a full-length, captivating novel.

The only drawback I can think of is the cover. It is very appealing to young females, but I don't know if a boy would ever pick it up. I'm not positive, but I think boys would enjoy the story, too, as many of the characters are male. I actually read parts of it to my 3rd grade son, and he keeps asking me to read more to him. The story is very good.

Genre: fairy tale, adventure

Topics: revenge, magical objects, soldiers, princes and princesses, gardens, sisters, curses

Mrs. Beckwith's rating: 5 of 5

Amazon reviews

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